Friday, December 26, 2014


I realize yesterday was Christmas and right now I should be posting about our first Burundian Christmas, however it takes a few days for us to organize our thoughts and our photos.  So for now, I will post about last weekend.

Last weekend, the team from Kibuye drove down to Bujumbura for Hope Africa University’s graduation.  I would love to share stories from the day … however, I seem to have blacked out from heat exhaustion for most of the 7 hour ceremony.  Here are some photos that I apparently took with my camera.

All the “professors” with a doctorate degree were asked to wear this outfit … please try not to be jealous.

At least I wasn't the only one who looked ridiculous.

There were over 600 students graduating, about 30 from the school of medicine, pictured here.

 One highlight of the day was a visit by the Burundian drummers.  These guys rock hard ... and barefoot (on rocks).

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you're ready to throw another shrimp on the Barbie in that outfit:)
